김성훈은 서울캠퍼스 [[김성훈]]은 [[한양대학교]] [[공과대학]] [[유기나노공학과]] 교수이자, [[유기나노가공 연구실]]장을 겸임하고 있다.
유기나노공학과 홈페이지 참고(2019.10.)==학력==* B.S.,1984, Textile Engineering, Hanyang University[[한양대학교]] [[섬유공학]] 학사* M.S.,1988, Plastics Engineering, University of Massachusetts Lowell매사추세츠로엘대학교대학원 플라스틱공학 석사* Ph.D.,1992, Polymer Science and Plastics Engineering, University of MassachusettsLowell 매사추세츠로엘대학교대학원 고분자과학 박사
* 1993-Present:Professor, Hanyang University, Department of Organic and Nano Engineering
==연구관심분야==* Polymer Processing and Materials, High Performance Composites, Conducting Polymer
* [1] Reinforcement effect of cellulose nanowhisker on bio-based polyurethane, SH Park, KW Oh, SH Kim, Composites Science and Technology, 86, 82-83 (2013)
* [2] Isothermal crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of polylactide/carbon nanotube nanocomposites, SH Park, SG Lee, SH Kim, Composites Part A, 46, 11-18 (2013)
* [5] Crystallization Kinetics and Nucleation Activity of Silica Nanoparticle-filled Poly(ethylene 2, 6-naphthalate) Blends, SH Kim, SH Ahn, T Hirai, Polymer, 44, 5625-5634 (2003)
=저서==수상==언론 활동= [[분류: 교수]][[분류:동명이인]]