한양대학교 [[자연과학대학]] [[물리학과]] 교수이다.
== 학력 ==
* 2012 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign B.S. in Physics* 2018 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign''' '''Ph.D. in Physics. Advisor : Matthew J. Gilbert
== 경력 ==
* 2018 - 2021 KAIST Postdoctoral Fellow. Advisor : SungBin Lee* 2021 - 2023 Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems Junior Research Team Leader* 2023 - present Hanyang University Assistant Professor in Physics Department
== 연구관심분야 ==
* Topological phases of matter* Correlated Quantum materials: Superconductivity & Magnetism* Topological order & Entanglement, Quantum Transport* Novel Topological Devices
== 수상 ==
* 2021 Condensed Matter Physics Young Scientist AwardKorean Physical Society
== 교내매체 ==
*<뉴스H> 2023.05.09 [http://www.newshyu.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=1009834 <nowiki>[보도자료] 양자역학적으로 외줄타기, ‘양자스카 상태' 제안</nowiki>]* <뉴스H> 2023.06.01 [https://www.newshyu.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=1010135 양자혼돈 안정적으로 제어하는 ‘양자스카’ 구현]