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남덕우는 서울캠퍼스 [[경제금융대학]] [[경제금융학부]] 교수다. 경제금융학부 홈페이지 참고(2019.10.) =학력= *University of Wisconsin – Madison 경제학박사 =경력= * City University of Hong Kong 조교수 * Globalization & Monetary Policy Institute, 연구위원, =연구관심분야= 개방경제 거시경제학, 응용계량경제, 거시경제학 및 통화경제학 =주요연구과제= * "The Stimulative Effects of Anticipated Government Spending Expansions: Evidence from Survey Forecasts." * "News Shocks and News-Driven Business Cycle Hypothesis: Identification Strategy versus Factor-Utilization-Adjusted TFP Series." * "International Trade Price Stickiness and Exchange Rate Pass-through in Micro Data: A Case Study on US-China Trade," (with Mina Kim, Jian Wang and Jason Wu), Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute Working Paper No. 135. =동정= * 2020.04.17 유니세프한국위원회 감사로 위촉 =주요논문= * "Mood Swings and Business Cycles: Evidence from Sign Restrictions," (with Jian Wang), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 51(6), 1623-1649, 2019. * "Understanding the Effect of Productivity Changes on International Relative Prices: The Role of News Shocks," (with Jian Wang), Pacific Economic Review 23(3), 490-516, 2018. * "The Effects of Surprise and Anticipated Technology Changes on International Relative Prices and Trade," (with Jian Wang), Journal of International Economics 97(1), 162-177, 2015. * "Habit Formation, Asymmetric Price Adjustment, and Real Exchange Rate Persistence," Journal of Economic Research 20, 83-116, 2015. * "Are Predictable Improvements in TFP Contractionary or Expansionary: Implications from Sectoral TFP?," (with Jian Wang), Economics Letters 124(2), 171-175, 2014. * "Exchange Rates and Individual Good's Price Misalignment: Evidence of Long-horizon Predictability," (with Wei Dong), Journal of International Money and Finance 32, 611-636, 2013. * "The Roles of Nominal Exchange Rate and Relative Price Adjustments in PPP Reversion," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 43(4), 775-785, 2011. =저서= =수상= =언론 활동= =각주= <references/> [[분류: 교수]] [[분류:경제금융학부]]
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