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이진석은 서울 [[자연과학대학]] [[화학과]] 교수이자 [[기능성 나노바이오 인터페이스 연구실]]장을 겸하고 있다. =학력= * 2002.03 - 2006.02 Ph.D., Department of Chemistry, Sogang University (advisor: Prof. Kyung Byung Yoon) * "Organization of Zeolite Microcrystals on Substrates and Their Optical Applications" * 2000.03 - 2002.02 M.S., Department of Chemistry, Sogang University (advisor: Prof. Kyung Byung Yoon) * "Facile Synthesis of Ordered Silicalite Supercrystals on Glass Substrates using epitaxially Grown Polyurea Film as Template" * 1994.03 - 2000.02 B.S., Department of Chemistry, Sogang University =경력= * 2020.03~ Present, Professor: Department of Chemistry, Hanyang University * 2018.03 - 2020.02, Professor: Department of Chemistry, Sookmyung Women's University * 2013.03 - 2018.02, Associate Professor: Department of Chemistry, Sookmyung Women's University * 2016.01 - 2017.12, Director, Organization: Korean Chemical Society * 2015.10 - 2016.08, Visiting Scholar: Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University (Prof. Hongkun Park Group) * 2009.03 - 2013.02, Assistant Professor: Department of Chemistry, Sookmyung Women's University * 2006.11 - 2009.02, Post-doctoral Fellow: Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University (advisor: Prof. Hongkun Park) * 2006.03 - 2006.10, Post-doctoral Fellow: Center for Microcrystal Assembly, Sogang University (advisor: Prof. Kyung Byung Yoon) =연구분야= * Inorganic Chemistry/ Material Chemistry/ Nano-Science/ Nano-Bio interface * Synthesis and fabrication of nanostructured materials and surfaces by chemical vapor deposition (CVD), metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), atomic layer deposition (ALD), molecular layer deposition (MLD), liquid phase deposition (LPD), and anodization techniques. * Organization of nanotopographical surfaces with nano-building blocks using sonication, Langmuir-Blodgett, manual assembly techniques. * Design and modification of nanostructured surfaces using various deposition techniques. * Study of electrical, optical, biological application of nanostructured surfaces [[분류:교수]] [[분류:화학과]]
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