"김성훈"의 두 판 사이의 차이

한양 위키
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(새 문서: == 소속 == 한양대학교 서울캠퍼스 사범대학 교육학과 == 학력 == - 서울대학교 교육학과 학사 및 석사 - 미국 University of Iowa, Educational Measur...)
1번째 줄: 1번째 줄:
== 소속 ==
'''김성훈'''은 다음과 같은 동명이인이 있다.
한양대학교 서울캠퍼스 사범대학 교육학과
== 학력 ==
* [[김성훈 (사범대학)|김성훈]]는 서울 [[사범대학]] [[교육학과]] 교수이다.
- 서울대학교 교육학과 학사 및 석사
* [[김성훈 (공과대학)|김성훈]]는 서울 [[공과대학]] [[유기나노공학과]] 교수이다.
- 미국 University of Iowa, Educational Measurement & Statistics 전공 박사(PhD)
== 연구실적 ==
- An extension of four IRT linking methods for mixed-format tests (공저, Journal of Educational Measurement, 43)
- Robustness to format effects of IRT linking methods for mixed-format tests (공저, Applied Measurement in Education, 19)
- A comparative study of IRT fixed parameter calibration methods (단독, Journal of Educational Measurement, 43)
- Testing the difference between two alpha coefficients with small samples of subjects and raters (공저, Educational and Psychological Measurement, 66)
- A method for estimating classification consistency indices for two equated forms (공저, Applied Psychological Measurement, 31)
- Effects on scale linking of different definitions of criterion functions for the IRT characteristic curve methods (공저, Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 32)
- A comparison of tests for equality of two or more independent alpha coefficients (공저, Journal of Educational Measurement, 45)
- The estimation of the IRT reliability coefficients and its lower and upper bounds, with comparisons to CTT reliability statistics (공저, Asia Pacific Education Review, 11)
- An extension of least squares estimation of IRT linking coefficients for the graded response model (단독, Applied Psychological Measurement, 34)
- A note on the reliability coefficients for item response model-based ability estimates (단독, Psychometrika, 77)
- Generalization of the Lord-Wingersky algorithm to computing the distribution of summed test scores based on real-number item scores (단독, Journal of Educational Measurement, 50)
- Cronbach's coefficient alpha: Well known but poorly understood (공저, Organizational Research Methods, 18)
- Methods for obtaining a common scale under unidimensional IRT models: A technical review and further extensions (공저, Iowa Testing Programs Occasional Paper No. 52)
- A diagnosis on the performance of BILOG-MG's empirical reliability estimators for IRT ability scores (단독, 교육평가연구, 26)
- 유한혼합분포에 대한 EM 알고리듬을 사용한 다집단 IRT 추정 방법의 원리와 기능 (단독, 교육평가연구, 26)
== 언론활동 ==

2019년 10월 29일 (화) 15:14 판

김성훈은 다음과 같은 동명이인이 있다.

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