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1,455 바이트 추가됨 ,  3년 전
편집 요약 없음
서울 [[공과대학]] [[산업공학과]] 교수이자 [[금융혁신 및 애널리틱스 연구실]]장을 겸하고 있다.*연락처: 02-2220-0556 / jwsong@hanyang.ac.kr =학력=* [2016.08] Ph.D., in Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea* [2010.12] B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA =경력=* [2019.09 - Present] Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea* [2018.03 - 2019.08] Assistant Professor, Department of Data Science, Sejong University, Seoul, Korea* [2016.09 - 2018.02] Data Scientist, Big Data Analytics Group, Mobile Communications Business, Samsung Electronics, Suwon, Korea* [2015.09 - 2016.08] Visiting Research Fellow, Finance & Analytics Division, PwC Consulting, Seoul, Korea* [2013.03 - 2015.08] Part-time Lecturer, Ewha Womans & Hansung University, Seoul, Korea* [2012.02 - 2012.07] Visiting Research Associate, Research Institute, Woori Finance Holdings, Seoul, Korea =연구관심분야=Applied Analytics, Econophysics, Financial Innovation, Investment Decision, Time-series Analysis & Forecasting =수상=* [2019.02] Excellence in Teaching Award, Sejong University* [2016.08] Best Dissertation Award (2nd place), Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society* [2011.10] Best Research Paper Award (1st place), Woori Finance Holdings* [2009.03] President’s Undergraduate Research Award, Georgia Institute of Technology

