"서재홍"의 두 판 사이의 차이

한양 위키
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(새 문서: 서울캠퍼스 자연과학대학 수학과 교수이다. =수상= * 2018 올해의 신진 연구자 (자연과학 분야) 선정)
(다른 사용자 한 명의 중간 판 하나는 보이지 않습니다)
1번째 줄: 1번째 줄:
서울캠퍼스 [[자연과학대학]] [[수학과]] 교수이다.
서재홍은 서울캠퍼스 [[자연과학대학]] [[수학과]] 교수이다.
* 2004. 3 - 2011. 2: Ph.D. Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea (Major: Cryptology)
* 2000. 3 - 2004. 2: B.S. Department of Mathematics, College of Science, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
* 2018. 3 - : Associate professor, Department of Mathematics, Hanyang university, Seoul, Korea
* 2017. 3 - 2018. 2 : Associate professor, Department of Mathematics, Myongji university, Yongin, Korea
* 2013. 3 - 2017. 2 : Assistant professor, Department of Mathematics, Myongji university, Yongin, Korea
* 2011. 4 - 2013. 2 : Researcher, Security Architecture Laboratory, Network Security Research Institute, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan
* 2009. 10 - 2010. 3: Visiting, University of California, Irvine, USA
** Host: Prof. Stanislaw Jarecki
** Researched on multiparty privacy-preserving set operations
* 2008. 7 - 2008. 8: Summer intern, NTT Information Sharing Platform Labs, Tokyo, Japan
** Host: Dr. Tatsuaki Okamoto
** Researched on identity-based cryptography.
* 2002. 7 - 2002. 8: Summer intern, Management Systems Lab, Department of Information Management Engineering, College of Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
** Host: Prof. Youngho Lee
** Constructed an optimization algorithm and program using MS Visual Basic.
cryptography, information security, computational number theory
* 2018 올해의 신진 연구자 (자연과학 분야) 선정
* 2018 올해의 신진 연구자 (자연과학 분야) 선정
** Excellent Young Researcher Award, NRF & Elsevier, 2018.
* Sang-San Young Mathematician Award, Korean Mathematical Society, 2012.
* Top (2012), Second (2013), Participant (2006) Prizes in the National Cryptographic Technology Contest, National Intelligence Service, Korea.
* BK21 student paper award, BK21 Mathematical Sciences Division, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University, 2009.
* Graduate study scholarships, Seoul National University, 2006 & 2010.

2020년 12월 10일 (목) 10:32 기준 최신판

서재홍은 서울캠퍼스 자연과학대학 수학과 교수이다.


  • 2004. 3 - 2011. 2: Ph.D. Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea (Major: Cryptology)
  • 2000. 3 - 2004. 2: B.S. Department of Mathematics, College of Science, Korea University, Seoul, Korea


  • 2018. 3 - : Associate professor, Department of Mathematics, Hanyang university, Seoul, Korea
  • 2017. 3 - 2018. 2 : Associate professor, Department of Mathematics, Myongji university, Yongin, Korea
  • 2013. 3 - 2017. 2 : Assistant professor, Department of Mathematics, Myongji university, Yongin, Korea
  • 2011. 4 - 2013. 2 : Researcher, Security Architecture Laboratory, Network Security Research Institute, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan
  • 2009. 10 - 2010. 3: Visiting, University of California, Irvine, USA
    • Host: Prof. Stanislaw Jarecki
    • Researched on multiparty privacy-preserving set operations
  • 2008. 7 - 2008. 8: Summer intern, NTT Information Sharing Platform Labs, Tokyo, Japan
    • Host: Dr. Tatsuaki Okamoto
    • Researched on identity-based cryptography.
  • 2002. 7 - 2002. 8: Summer intern, Management Systems Lab, Department of Information Management Engineering, College of Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
    • Host: Prof. Youngho Lee
    • Constructed an optimization algorithm and program using MS Visual Basic.


cryptography, information security, computational number theory


  • 2018 올해의 신진 연구자 (자연과학 분야) 선정
    • Excellent Young Researcher Award, NRF & Elsevier, 2018.
  • Sang-San Young Mathematician Award, Korean Mathematical Society, 2012.
  • Top (2012), Second (2013), Participant (2006) Prizes in the National Cryptographic Technology Contest, National Intelligence Service, Korea.
  • BK21 student paper award, BK21 Mathematical Sciences Division, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University, 2009.
  • Graduate study scholarships, Seoul National University, 2006 & 2010.