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1,496 바이트 추가됨 ,  4년 전
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* 서울 장동표는 서울캠퍼스 [[공과대학 전기·생체공학부 ]] [[전기생체공학부]] [[전기공학전공 교수]] 교수이자, [[전력전자연구실]]장을 겸임하고 있다.
전력전자연구실 홈페이지 참고(2019.11.)=학력=* Doctorate of Philosophy, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA, 2009 (Electrical Engineering)* Master of Science, Hanyang University, Korea, 1999 (Electrical Engineering)* Bachelor of Science, Hanyang University, Korea, 1997 (Electrical Engineering) =경력=* 2010-present, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Biomedical Eng., Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea* 2009-2010, Post Doctor Researcher, National Semiconductor, Santa Clara, California, USA* 1999-2004, Senior Researcher, Heavy Industry R&D Center, Hyosung Corporation, Seoul, Korea === 학회 활동 ===* 2014-present, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Senior Member * 2005-2014, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Member * 1999-present, The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, Member* 1998-present, The Korean Institute of Power Electronics, Member =연구관심분야==주요연구과제==주요논문==저서== 수상 ==* 2018년 1월 2018, 앨버트 넬슨 평생공로상 (마르퀴즈 후즈 후(Marquis Who’s Who))* 2014, Distinguished Scholarship Award , Korean Institute of Power Electronics (KIPE)* 2014, First Prize Paper Award, Korean Institute of Power Electronics (KIPE)* 2014, Best Research Award, LG Electronics* 2011-2014, Best Paper Scholarship, Korean Institute of Power Electronics (KIPE)* 2007, First Prize Paper Award, IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) =언론 활동=



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