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한양대학교 서울캠퍼스 국제학부


1993년 New York University 경영학과 졸업 (BS)

1997년 New York University 미디어학 졸업 (MA)

1999년 University of London 국제경영학 졸업 (MBA, Mphil)

2005년 London School of Economics 경영학박사 졸업 (PhD)


 Choosing between internal and external development for innovation projects: Antecedents and consequences", Asia Pacific Business Review, 2016

- Identifying the moderating role of entrepreneurial orientation in the innovation uncertainty-collaborative technology development relationship, 2015

- Antecedents of boundary decision making: Integrating transaction cost and organizational capability perspectives:, Journal of Strategic and International Studies, 2014

- Technology Sourcing Decision Making for New Technology Development Projects: An Empirical Study of South Korean High-Tech Small Firms”, Asian Business and Management
