
한양 위키
Prhyu (토론 | 기여)님의 2017년 9월 27일 (수) 16:57 판 (새 문서: == 소속 == 한양대학교 서울캠퍼스 인문과학대학 영어영문학과 == 학력 == UCLA (University of California) 언어학과 박사과정 졸업; 언어학 박사 =...)
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한양대학교 서울캠퍼스 인문과학대학 영어영문학과


UCLA (University of California) 언어학과 박사과정 졸업; 언어학 박사


Cho, Taehong & Patricia Keating (2009). Effects of initial position versus prominence in English. Journal of Phonetics, 37(4), 466-485 (A&HCI/SSCI),

Cho, Taehong (2008). Prosodic strengthening in transboundary V-to-V lingual movement in American English. Phonetica 65 (1,2), 45-61. (A&HCI/SSCI)

Cho, Taehong, James McQueen & Ethan Cox (2007). Prosodically driven phonetic detail in speech processing: The case of domain-initial strengthening in English. Journal of Phonetics 35(2), 210-243. (A&HCI/SSCI)

Cho, Taehong & James McQueen (2006). Phonological versus phonetic cues in native and nonnative listening: Korean and Dutch listeners` perception of Dutch and English consonants. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 119(5), 3085-3096 (SCI)

Cho, Taehong (2005) Prosodic strengthening and featural enhancement: Evidence from acoustic and articulatory realizations of /a,i/ in English. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 117(6), 3867-3878. (SCI)
