
한양 위키
Pshyujc09 (토론 | 기여)님의 2020년 7월 28일 (화) 13:59 판 (→‎언론활동)
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한양대학교 에리카캠퍼스 공학대학 교통-물류공학과


 1978년 한양대학교 도시공학과 공학사 

 1983년 (미)University of Pennsylvania 교통학 석사 

 1985년 (미)University of Pennsylvania 교통학 박사 


 K.-W. Kang, “An Analysis of Fare Competition of major hub airports in Asia”, Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 2011

 K.-W. Kang, J.-G. Noh, W.-K. Kook, and D.-J. Lee, “Characterizing the type of transfer center using Intermodal Time Entropy”, ITS World Congress, 2010

 K.-W. Kang, W.-K. Kook, and B.-S. Choi, “CO2 Emission Analysis for transportation Policy Effect in Carbon-Neutral City”,T-LOG, 2010

 K.-W. Kang, A. Strauss-Wieder, and J.-K. Eom, “New Approach to Appraisal of Rail Freight Projects in South Korea using the Value of Freight Transit Time Savings”,

 Transportation Research Record, pp. 52-58, 2010 (SCI)

 J.-K. Eom, J. R. Stone, and K.-W. Kang, “Empirical Case Study of Spatial-Temporal Student Activity Population”, Transportation Research Record, pp. 11-21, 2010 (SCI)

 K.-W. Kang, K.-H. Han, and J.-H. Kim, “A Study on Passenger Level Change Mode Choice in a Public Transport Transfer System- Gwangmyeong station case-“, Journal of  the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 8, 2010

 W.-Y. Kim, K.-W. Kang, and W.-K. Kook, “A study on The estimation of Cost Functions for the Trucking Industry in Korea”, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for

 Transportation Studies, Vol. 8, 2010


교내 언론

  • <뉴스H> [신문 읽어주는 교수님] 택시-카풀 업계 설명