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  • 2019, Guest Editor of Energies "Application of Composite Materials for Energy Devices" https://www.mdpi.com/journal/energies/special_issues/ACM_ED
  • 2019, Guest Editor of Energies "Applications of Nanocomposites for Energy Generator/Harvester Devices" https://www.mdpi.com/journal/energies/special_issues/AN_EGHD
  • 2019-present, Editor, ChemEngineering https://www.mdpi.com/journal/ChemEngineering/editors
  • 2016-present, Advisory Professor, LG Electronics Manufacturing Technology Center Future-Technology-Forum
  • 2008-present, Editorial Board, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites
  • 2001-2002; 2008-present, Visiting Professor, Stanford University
  • 1991-present, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University
  • 1991-present, Member, Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 1991-present, Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineering
  • 1991-present, Member, Society of Advanced Manufacturing and Processing Engineering
  • 1991-present, Editorial Board, The Korean Society of Composite Materials
  • 1989-1991, Research Associate, Stanford University
  • Ph.D. Stanford University, 1988
  • M.S. Stanford University, 1985
  • B.Eng. Hanyang University, 1983

Research Topic

  • Mass Production Process for Composite Automotive Parts
  • Innovative Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) of Composites
  • Fatigue Life Prediction of Composites
  • Braided, Woven, & Non-Crimp Fabrics
  • Enhance Impact Resistance of Composite Structures
  • Short Fiber Composites
  • Thin- vs Thick-Ply Laminates
  • Manufacturing Process
  • Innovative Design of Wind Turbine Blades
  • Design of Yacht Mast & Rigging System
  • Flywheel Energy Storage System
  • Finite Element Methods and Analysis of Composite Structures

Industry-Academia collaboration Projects

  • Characterization of Thermoplastic Composite material (2014.4 ~ , Arkema, France)
  • Global-local Multi-scale Based Design Tool Development for Composites Wing(2016.2 ~ 2019.1, Embraer, Brazil)
  • Development of Composites Chassis Sub frame (2017.1 ~ 2018.4, Hyundai automotive, Korea)
  • Development of Non-Crimp Fabrics for Lexus LFA (Supported by TOYOTA, Japan)
  • Innovative Composites Process for Automotive, (Supported by Plastic Omnium, France)
  • Design and Manufacturing of Flywheel Energy Storage System (Supported by Beacon Power, USA)
  • Durability of Braided Composites (In collaboration with Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
  • Durability of Composites Aerospace Structures (Supported by DSO National Laboratory, Singapore)
  • Innovation of Wind Turbine Blades (Supported by ACCIONA Windpower, Spain)
  • Resin Characterization for Wind Turbine Blades (Supported by BASF, Germany)
  • Innovative Design of Non-Crimp Fabrics: Unbalanced Layup (Supported by Chomarat, France)
  • Fatigue Life Prediction for Short Fiber Composites (Supported by BOSCH, Germany)
  • Design of Yacht Mast and Rigging System (In collaboration with Future Fibres, Spain)
  • Composite Flexible Riser (Preliminary study with Technip, France)
  • Design and Manufacturing of Composites Artificial Disc (In collaboration with Spinal Kinetics, USA)
  • Design Optimization of Composite Tennis Racket (In collaboration with Babolat, France)

Find More https://sites.google.com/site/hyucomposites/Project



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