주 메뉴 열기


  • 2004 서울대학교 경제학부 학사
  • 2006 서울대학교 경제학부 석사
  • 2012 북경대학교 경영대학 박사 (전략경영 전공)


  • 한양대학교 경영대학 부교수
  • 미국 남가주대학교 방문 학자
  • 한양대-상해교통대 최고경영자과정 (SHAMP) 주임교수
  • 한양대학교 경영대학 전략경영트랙 주임교수
  • 글로벌CEO창업융합전공 주임교수
  • 한양대학교 경영대학 New Biz Lab 지도교수
  • 한양대학교 경영대학 중국 유학생 상담교수


  1. Corporate Political Strategy (기업의 정치 전략)
  2. Business Ethics/ Corruption Control (경영 윤리/ 부패 방지)
  3. Business Strategy in China (중국 시장 전략)


  1. Seong-jin Choi, Jiangyong Lu (2013), Returnee Faculty Members, Network Position and Diversification Strategy: An Analysis of Business Schools in China, Asia Pacific Business Review
  2. Xiaohui Liu, Jiangyong Lu, Seong-jin Choi (2014), Bridging Knowledge Gaps: Returnees and Reverse Knowledge Spillovers from Chinese Local Firms to Foreign Firms, Management International Review
  3. Daomi Lin, Jiangyong Lu, Xiaohui Liu, Seong-jin Choi (2014), Returnee CEO and Innovation in Chinese High-tech SMEs”, International Journal of Technology Management
  4. Seong-jin Choi, Nan Jia, Jiangyong Lu (2015), The Structure of Political Institutions and Effectiveness of Corporate Political Lobbying, Organization Science (Financial Times Top 50 Journal)
  5. Khan-Pyo Lee and Seong-jin Choi (2015), The Contingent Impacts of Market and Nonmarket Ties on the Exchange Relationship Formation: Chinese Automotive Industry, Chinese Management Studies
  6. Hyung Rok Yim, Jiangyong Lu, Seong-jin Choi (2017), Different Role of Lobbying and Bribery on the Firm Performance in Emerging Markets, Multinational Business Review
  7. Wenlong He, Wei Yang, Seong-jin Choi (2018), The Interplay between Private and Public Regulations: Evidence from ISO 14001 Adoption among Chinese Firms, Journal of Business Ethics (Financial Times Top 50 Journal)
  8. Yun Hyeong Choi, Hee Jin Park, Seong-jin Choi (2018), Impact of Emotional Harassment on Firm’s Value, Frontiers in Psychology
  9. Seong-jin Choi, Alfredo Jiménez, Jeoung Yul Lee (2020), The Impact of Political Capabilities and Political Markets on Firms’ Decision to Lobby, Journal of International Management
  10. Qingji Fan, Paul Kuper, Yun Hyeong Choi, Seong-jin Choi (2021), Does ICT Development Curb Firms’ Perceived Corruption Pressure?: The Contingent Impact of Institutional Qualities and Competitive Conditions, Journal of Business Research
  11. Seong-jin Choi, Huilong Liu, Jun Yin, Yunfei Qi, Jeoung Yul Lee (2021), The Effect of Political Turnover on Firms’ Strategic Change in the Emerging Economies: The Moderating Role of Political Connections and Financial Resources, Journal of Business Research
  12. Jeoung Yul Lee, Alfredo Jiménez, Seong-jin Choi, Yun Hyeong Choi (2021), Ideological Polarization and Corporate Lobbying Activity: The Contingent Impact of Corruption Distance, Journal of Business Research
  13. Alfredo Jiménez, Secil Bayraktar, Jeoung Yul Lee, Seong-Jin Choi (2021), Not All Risks Are the Same: The Differential Impact of Exogenous and Endogenous Risks on Infrastructure Projects, Multinational Business Review
  14. Jiangyong Lu, Seong-Jin Choi, Alfredo Jiménez, Secil Bayraktar (2021), The Decision Process of Bribery in Emerging Economies: An Institutional and Nonmarket Position Perspective, Asia Pacific Journal of Management


  1. 한국경제대전망, 21세기북스 (공저, 2016)
  2. 경영교육뉴패러다임, 매일경제신문사 (공저, 2018)
  3. 창세기에서 만난 경영의 지혜, 맑은나루 (공저, 2021)


  1. HUBS Top Journal 논문상 (2015)
  2. 경영전문대학원 강의 우수 교수상 (2020)
  3. 한양대학교 이달의 연구자 (2021)
  4. 경영전문대학원 강의 우수 교수상 (2021)


  1. 스푼 (대한민국 특허: 10-2217984)

언론 활동

대외 언론

  1. 2017.09.25일자 <한국일보> "주말 골프 접대도 뜸해져” 줄어든 대관 업무" 기사에서 김영란법의 효과에 대해 언급
  2. 2017.09.25일자 <매일경제> "외식·주점·농축산업 끝모를 불황터널 속에" 기사에서 김영란법의 부작용에 대해 언급
  3. 2018.09.17일자 <월간조선> “대한민국이 나아갈 길-제2의 삼성전자를 찾아라!” 기사에서 삼성바이오로직스와 현대차의 전망에 대해 언급

교내 언론

  1. <뉴스H> 2018.11.12 ISO 14001을 통해 중국 정부와 기업 관계를 파악하다
  2. <뉴스 H> 2021.5.13 한양 비즈니스랩으로 학기 대체 해볼래?