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Annssyy (토론 | 기여)님의 2023년 1월 18일 (수) 07:38 판 (새 문서: ERICA캠퍼스 공학대학 전자공학부 교수다. ==연구분야== * Embedded System Security * Design of Intelligent Security Mechanism * IoT (Internet of Things) Secur...)
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  • Embedded System Security
  • Design of Intelligent Security Mechanism
  • IoT (Internet of Things) Security
  • Blockchain
  • Post Quantum Cryptography & Quantum Algorithms


  • Professor (2020-present), Hanyang University ERICA, Ansan, Korea
  • Associate professor (2017-2020), Hanyang University ERICA, Ansan, Korea
  • Assistant professor (2015-2017), Korea University Sejong, Sejong, Korea
  • Research professor (2014-2015), Korea University School of Cybersecurity, Seoul, Korea
  • Post-doctoral researcher (2012-2014), Purdue University, Indiana, USA
  • Senior researcher (2010-2012), Korea Internet and Security Agency, Seoul, Korea
  • Researcher (2006-2010), Financial Security Agency, Seoul, Korea


  • Ph.D. (2006) Computer Science & Information Security, Ehwa Womans University, Korea (Advisor: Prof. Sang-Ho Lee)
  • M.S. (2002) Computer Science & Information Security, Ehwa Womans University, Korea (Advisor: Prof. Sang-Ho Lee)
  • B.S. (2000) Mathematics, Ehwa Womans University, Korea


  • Conference on Information Security and Cryptography-Summer 2018 (CISC-S'18) Best Paper Award (2018 한국정보보호학회 하계학술대회 우수논문상 (한국인터넷진흥원장상))
  • 2019 Hanyang University ERICA Best Lecturer Award (2019 한양대학교 ERICA 강의 우수 교수상)
  • 2020 Hanyang University ERICA Lecture Innovation Award (2020 한양대학교 ERICA 강의 혁신상)
  • 2020 Korea Cryptocontest Special Award (2020 국가암호공모전 특별상)
  • Conference on Information Security and Cryptography-Winter 2020 (CISC-S'20) Best Paper Award (2020 한국정보보호학회 하계학술대회 우수논문상(정보보호학회장상))
  • WISA 2021 Best Paper Award ("Echo-Guard : Acoustic-based Anomaly Detection System for Smart Manufacturing Environments" 논문 수상)