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서울 공과대학 산업공학과 교수이자 확률기반최적화 연구실장을 겸하고 있다.


  • PhD, 2013, Industrial and Systems Engineering (Major: Operations Research, Minor: Statistics), Georgia Institute of Technology
  • MS, 2010, Industrial and Systems Engineering (Operations Research), Georgia Institute of Technology
  • BS, 2007, Mechanical Engineering, KAIST.


  • Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Hanyang University, 2014 - present.
  • Research Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Colorado Denver, 2013 - 2014.


Stochastic Simulation Modeling and Output Analysis, Simulation-based Optimization, Applied Operations Research, Environmental Management


  • 2019년 3월 SK하이닉스 '산학연구과제 우수발명 포상식'서 우수상 [1]
  • CHADONGWAN Young Researcher Award, KORMS (The Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society), 2018.
  • Best Teacher Award, Hanyang University, 2018.
  • Best Reviewer Award, Omega (The International Journal of Management Science), 2015.
