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7 바이트 제거됨 ,  4년 전
== 연구실적 ==
# Kim, Y. J., Sim, J. and Park, C. W., “Mechanical Properties of Recycled Aggregate Concrete with Deformed Steel Re-bar”, Journal of Marine Science and Technology,   Volume   Volume 20, No.3, June 2012, pp. 274~280 (SCIE)  #  Sim, J., Park. C. W., “Compressive Strength and Resistance to Chloride Ion Penetration and Carbonation of Recycled Aggregate Concrete with Varying Amount of Fly ash   and ash  and Fine Recycled Aggregate”, Waste Management, Volume 31, Issue 11, November 2011, pp. 2352~2360 (SCIE)  #  Oh, H. S., Sim, J., Kang, T. S. and Kwon, H. W., “An Experimental Study on the Flexural Bonding Characteristic of a Concrete Beam Reinforced with a GFRP Rebar”,  KSCE  KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 15, Number 7, September 2011, pp. 1245~1251 (SCIE)  #  Park, C. W., Sim, J. and Lee, J. R., “Fundamental Property of Chloride Inhibiting and Low Heat Cement for Marine Concrete Structures”, Journal of Advanced Concrete   TechnologyConcrete  Technology, Volume 7, No 1, Feb 2009, pp. 135~142 (SCIE)  #  Moon, D. Y., Sim, J., Oh, H. S. and Benmokrane. Br, “An Exploratory Study of GFRP Rebar with Ribs Containing Milled Glass Fibers”, Composites Part B: Engineering,   Volume   Volume 39, Issue 5, July 2008, pp. 882~890 (SCI)  #  Kim, G. S., Sim, J. and Oh, H. S., “Shear Strength of Strengthened RC beams with FRPs in shear”, Constructions and building Materials, Volume 22, Issue 6, June 2008,   pp  pp.1261~1270 (SCIE)  #  Moon, D. Y., Sim. J., and Oh, H. S., “Detailing considerations on RC beams strengthened with CFRP bars embedded in mortar overlay”, Constructions and building   Materialsbuilding  Materials, Volume 21, Issue 8, August 2007, pp. 1636~1646 (SCIE)  #  Sim, J., and Oh, H. S., “Structural assessment of externally flexural strengthened reinforced concrete beam after repaired with polymer mixture”, Composite Interfaces,   Volume   Volume 13, Number 1, January 2006, pp.47~66 (SCI) 
== 언론활동 ==



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