
한양 위키
둘러보기로 가기 검색하러 가기

조은철은 서울 공과대학 화학공학과 교수이자 유기 및 무기구조체 연구실장을 겸하고 있다.


  • 1998 B.S. Polymer Science and Engineering POSTECH, Korea
  • 2000 M.S. Environmental Science and Engineering (Advisor. Kilwon Cho)
  • 2004 Ph.D Chemical Engineering (Advisor. Kilwon Cho)


  • 2004.1.1. - 2007.12.21, Senior researcher, Amorepacific Corporation, Korea
  • 2008.1.1. - 2011.2.16, Postdoctoral associate, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis, MO
  • 2011.3 - 2013.2, Assistant professor
  • 2013.3 - 2018.2, Associate professor
  • 2018.3 - present, professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University


  1. Synthesis of organic/inorganic colloids and its application
    • Polymer & hydrogel colloids, biodegradable & natural colloids, liposomes covered with polymers
    • Gold/silver nanocrystals and noble-metal hollow nanostructures
    • Metamolecules and metacolloids
    • Application: cosmetics, energy, optoelectronics, and environments.
  2. Construction of novel micro/nanostructures through colloidal assemblies
    • Self-assembly of colloids in aqueous systems (linear and 3-D assemblies)
    • Metasurface fabrications
    • Colloidal-based nanopatterns (inverse opals, plasmonic patterns)
    • Application: cosmetics, sensors, solar energy harvest, displays