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35 바이트 추가됨 ,  1년 전
 * Ph.D. in Physics, Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, May 1999* M.S. in Physics at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville (SIUE), Illinois, USA, Aug.1993* Recipient of Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, 1992* B.S. in Physics at Sogang University, Seoul, Korea, Feb. 1985
 *2023.07.01 - present: 세계고압학회 이사 * Mar. 2005 - present: Professor, Department of Physics, Hanyang University, Seoul* 2019, President of Global Research Development Center, supported by NRF of Korea* Aug. 2019 - present: Director of Institute for High Pressure, Hanyang University* Sept. 2013 - present: Chairperson of the Department of Convergence Nanoscience* Aug 2016 - present: Director of HYU-HPSTAR-CIS High Pressure Research Center* Mar. 2011 - Feb. 2012: Visiting Scholar, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY* Sept. 2009 - Feb. 2011: Chairperson of the Physics Department, Hanyang University, Seoul* Feb. 2003 - Feb.2005: Physicist, Beamline Division at Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL)* 1999 –2003: Research Associate, Chemistry Department of Brookhaven National Laboratory
 * 준결정체 형성 구조 연구* 다공성물질을 이용한 수소저장* 고체와 기체상태 표면 흡착* 산화물 박막 구조분석
 * 한국물리학회* 미국물리학회
*2016.08.02 <뉴스H> [http://www.newshyu.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=21401 김재용 교수의 ‘고압연구센터’ 과제, 2016 해외우수기관유치사업에 선정]
*2020.06.01 <뉴스H> [http://www.newshyu.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=846443 <nowiki>[우수R&D]</nowiki> 김재용 교수, 고압 연구의 새로운 지평 열어]
