* 2020-02 [[최승원]] 공과대학 [[융합전자공학부]] / Market Access for Radio Equipment in Europe Enabled by the Radio Equipment Directive: Status, Next Steps and Implications
* 2020-03 [[이상훈]] 의과대학 [[의학과]] [[생화학·분자생물학교실]] / LIN28A loss of function is associated with Parkinson's disease pathogenesis
* 2020-04 [[곽노균]] 공과대학 [[기계공학부]] / Microscale electrodeionization: In situ concentration profiling and flow visualization
=== ERICA캠퍼스 ===
* 2020-01 [[신경훈]] 과학기술융합대학 [[해양융합공학과]] / Temporal variation in riverine organic carbon concentrations and fluxes in two contrasting estuary systems: Geum and Seomjin, South Korea