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한양대학교 서울캠퍼스 [[사회과학대학]] [[정치외교학과]] 교수
[[분류: 교수]]
 * 2019 [[연구우수교수]] - 영문 프로필 [[Yong-Soo Eun]] 
== 학력 ==
== 연구실적 ==
===A. Articles in peer-reviewed academic journals (indexed in SSCI) ===
# “Why and How Should We Go for “An Intellectual Confession from a Multicausal Analysis in Member of the Study of Foreign Policy?‘Non-Western’ IR Community: A Friendly Reply to David Lake’s ‘White Man’s IR’” PS: Political Science and Politics, Volume 52, Issue 1, (2019), pp. 78-84.#“Global IR through dialogue” The Pacific Review Volume 32, Issue 2, (Meta2019), pp. 131-149#“Opening up the Debate Over ‘Non-Western’ International Relations” Politics, Volume 39, Issue 1, (2019) theoretical Rationales and Methodological Rules,”'''''Review pp. 4-17.#“Beyond ‘the West/non-West Divide’ in IR” The Chinese Journal of International Studies'''''Politics, Volume 3811, Issue 4, (20122018), pp. 435-449.#“What does International Relations Theory Tell Us about Territorial Disputes and their Resolution?” International Politics Volume 55, Issue 2, (2018), pp. 763–783141-159. # “Rethinking Logic of Inference “Chinese Hegemony: Grand Strategy and Explanation International Institutions in the field of International RelationsEast Asian History. By Feng Zhang, Stanford University Press,” '''''Perspectives on Politics''''' Volume 16, Issue 1, (2018), pp. 283-295.#“Introduction: Making Sense of Korean Discourses and the East Asian Regional Order” The Pacific Review, Volume 3231, Issue 32, (20122018), pp. 162–174240-244. # “What “To what extent is ‘vintage’ post-positivism ‘practised’ in IR? A Writer’s Note,'''''PS: International Political Science and Politics'''''Review, Volume 4638, Issue 35, (20132017), pp. 611593-614607. # “Getting Asia Right “Cyberwar: Taking Stock of Security and Advancing Warfare in the field of IRDigital Age,” '''''Political ” International Studies Review'''''Perspectives, Volume 11Vol. 17, Issue No. 3, (20132016), pp. 369343-377360. # “The Power “Elusive East Asia: ‘Methodological’ Suggestions for the Study of Human Beliefs over the State’s Behavior in World PoliticsEast Asian Security,” '''''International Japanese Journal of Political Science Review''''', Volume 34 Issue 4Vol. 17, No. 03, (20132016), pp. 372451-391467. # “Smoke, but No Fire? In Social Science, Focus on the Most Distinct Part,” '''''PS: Political Science and Politics''''', Volume Vol. 47, Issue No. 1, (2014), pp. 145-148. # “Elusive East Asia: ‘Methodological’ Suggestions for “The Power of Human Beliefs over the Study of East Asian SecurityState’s Behavior in World Politics,” '''''Japanese Journal of International Political Science'''''Review, Volume 17Vol. 34, Issue 03No. 4, (20162013), pp. 451372-467391. # “Cyberwar: Taking Stock of Security “Getting Asia Right and Warfare in Advancing the Digital Agefield of IR,”'''''International Political Studies Perspectives'''''Review,Volume 17Vol. 11, Issue 03No. 3, (20162013), pp. 343369-360377. # “To what extent is post-positivism ‘practised’ “Rethinking Logic of Inference and Explanation in IR? Evidence from China and the USAfield of International Relations,”'''''International Political Science Review''''' Politics, Vol. 32, No. 3, (20162012), doi: 10pp.1177/0192512116642222162–174. # “What does International Relations Theory Tell Us about Territorial Disputes “Why and their ResolutionHow Should We Go for a Multicausal Analysis in the Study of Foreign Policy?: (Meta-) theoretical Rationales and Methodological Rules,'''''Review of International Politics''''' Studies, Vol. 38, No. 4, (accepted2012), and forthcoming)pp. 763–783.   
===B. Articles in peer-reviewed academic journals (indexed in Korean Citation Index)===
#  “Marginalized “Hybrid coloniality: Questioning South Korean foreign and security policy from postcolonial theory.” Korean International Studies Association Journal (in Korean 국제정치논총), Vol. 60, No. 1, (2020), pp. 7-61.#(Pre-)Theorizing Emotion in the Study of International Relations: How are collective emotions produced? Korean Political Science Association Journal (in Korean 한국정치학회보), Vol. 52, No. 2, (2018), pp. 123-144.#“Emotion Studies in IR: Critical Review and Theoretical Suggestion” Korean International Studies Association Journal (in Korean 국제정치논총), Vol. 57, No. 3, (2017), pp. 51-86.#“Marginalized IR theory and Korea’s International Political Issues: Revisiting IR and Korea from Postcolonial Perspective”, Korean International Studies Association Journal, (in Korean국제정치논총), Volume Vol. 56, Issue No. 3, (2016), pp. 151-2388. # “Critical Theory and its Implications for South Korean Foreign Policy Practice: with a Focus on South Korea foreign policy,” Review of International and Area Studies, (in Korean국제지역연구) Volume Vol. 24, Issue No. 3, (2015), pp. 67-93.# “Making a case for Metatheory in Korean IR,” Korean Political Science Association Journal,(in Korean한국정치학회보) Volume Vol. 49, Issue No. 4, (2015), pp. 127-156. # “Psychological and Cognitive Approaches in IR,” Korean International Studies Association Journal, (in Korean국제정치논총) Volume Vol. 53, Issue No. 4, (2013), pp. 79-111. 
===C. Books and Book Chapters===
# ''Going beyond Parochialism and Fragmentation in International Studies edited by Yong-Soo Eun (Routledge, 2020, ISBN: 9781138063006).#“Constructivism: National Identity and Foreign Policy” in Sage Handbook of Asian Foreign Policy, edited by Takashi Inoguchi (Sage, 2019).#What is at stake Stake in building “nonBuilding “Non-Western” IRTheory? ('''''Routledge''''','' forthcoming 2018'', ISBN: 9781138282544).'' # ''Pluralism and Engagement in the Discipline of International Relations * ('''''Palgrave Macmillan''''','' 2016'', ISBN: 978-981-10-1120-7).'' # ''Regionalizing Global Crises: The Financial Crisis and New Frontiers in Regional Governance , co-edited with Toni Haastrup ('''''Palgrave Macmillan''''','' 2014'').'' # ‘Methodology for the Study of Foreign Policy: Suggestions for Paradigm Shift’, in Y.W. Lee and W.H. Lee eds., ''Diversity in IR Methodology'' (SeoulISBN: Seoul National University, 2014). # 'Great Powers in the Asia Pacific Region and Australia’s Foreign Policy: A Dual978-1-137-34756-Track Strategy’, in H.J. Lee ed., ''An Understanding of Contemporary Australia'' (Seoul: KSI, 20115).  
== 저서 == * 《What 《기후, 환경, 그리고 우리》(2023)<ref><뉴스H> 2023.03.03 [http://www.newshyu.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=1009008 기후, 환경, 그리고 우리: 발간 속 담긴 이야기]</ref>*《국제관계학에서의 다원주의와 이론적 관여》 (영국 팔그레이브 맥말란/독일 스프링거, 2016)*《<'탈(脫)서구' 국제관계 이론을 세우는 것은 무엇에 달려 있는가? What is at Stake in Building ‘Non-Western’ IR Theory?》 (Routledge, 2018년)<ref>(<뉴스H > 2018.03.27.) [http://www.hanyang.ac.kr/surl/Uh3W 은용수 교수, 영국서 국제정치책 출간]</ref>* 《Going 《국제관계학의 편협주의와 파편화를 넘어 (Going beyond Parochialism and Fragmentation in the Study of International Relations》Relations)》<ref>도서 및 출판사 웹사이트 주소:
https://www.routledge.com/Going-beyond-Parochialism-and-Fragmentation-in-the-Study-of-International/Eun/p/book/9781138063006</ref> (Routledge<ref>글로벌 명성을 갖고 있는 학술출판사 라우틀리지(Routledge)</ref>, 2020년)
** 책임저술, (영문, )** 미국 국제정치학회장을 역임한 티비 폴(T.V. Paul) 교수를 비롯해 해외의 저명한 국제정치학자들 참여** 국제관계연구에서의 서구중심성이라는 문제와 최근 점증하는 국제정치학이론의 파편화라는 문제를 모두 해결하고자하는 목적으로 저술 ==동정== *2018년 11월 미국정치학회 전문학술지 'PS:Political Science & Politics'에 논문 게재*2018년 1월 미국정치학회 공식학술지 ‘Perspectives on Politics(PP)’에 논문 게재(단독저자로 게재한건 한국인 저자로는 처음)*2018년 1월 세계정치학회 공식학술지 ‘International Political Science Review(IPSR)’에 논문 게재(단독저자로 게재한건 한국인 저자로는 처음)*2015년 국제 저명 루틀리지(Routledge) 출판사 편집장 임명 ==수상== *2021, 한국국제정치학회 학술상 수상 ==언론=====교내언론===
*2023.05.03 <뉴스H> [http://www.newshyu.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=1009811 은용수 한양대 교수 저서, 세계적 출판사에서 출간]*2020.06.30 <뉴스H> [http://www.newshyu.com/news/articleView.html?idxno= 동정 =865843 <nowiki>[백남의 교수저서]</nowiki> "학생의 역할은 지식의 소비자가 아닌 지식의 생산자다"]*2020.06.22 <뉴스H> [http://www.newshyu.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=859443 은용수 교수, 세계적출판사서 국제관계이론서 '국제관계학의 편협주의와 파편화를 넘어' 출간]* 2018년 1월 미국정치학회 공식학술지 ‘Perspectives on Politics(PP)’에 논문 게재(단독저자로 게재한건 한국인 저자로는 처음)2020.02.26 <뉴스H> [http://www.hanyang.ac.kr/surl/jy8HB <nowiki>[2019연구우수교수]</nowiki> 라우틀리지 아시아국제정치이론 총서 편집장, 주류의 시각과 통념에 도전하는 젊은 석학]* 2018년 1월 세계정치학회 공식학술지 ‘International Political Science Review(IPSR)’에 논문 게재(단독저자로 게재한건 한국인 저자로는 처음)2019.06.25 <뉴스H> [http://www.hanyang.ac.kr/surl/w5gd 세계적인 출판사 장벽을 다시 한번 뛰어넘다.]
== 각주 ==
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