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2 바이트 제거됨 ,  4년 전
== 연구실적 ==
'''===A. Articles in peer-reviewed academic journals (indexed in SSCI)''' ===
# “Why and How Should We Go for a Multicausal Analysis in the Study of Foreign Policy?: (Meta-) theoretical Rationales and Methodological Rules,”'''''Review of International Studies''''', Volume 38, Issue 4, (2012), pp. 763–783.
'''===B. Articles in peer-reviewed academic journals (indexed in Korean Citation Index)'''===
#  “Marginalized IR theory and Korea’s International Political Issues: Revisiting IR and Korea from Postcolonial Perspective”, Korean International Studies Association Journal, (in Korean), Volume 56, Issue 3, (2016), pp. 1-23.
'''===C. Books and Book Chapters''' ===
# ''What is at stake in building “non-Western” IR? ('''''Routledge''''','' forthcoming 2018'').''

