
한양 위키
Hjy0208 (토론 | 기여)님의 2020년 11월 12일 (목) 10:12 판 (새 문서: 김태복은 서울 공과대학 신소재공학부 교수이자 공급망공학 연구실장을 겸하고 있다. *연락처: 02-2220-0479 / tbkim@hanyang.ac.kr *홈페...)
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김태복은 서울 공과대학 신소재공학부 교수이자 공급망공학 연구실장을 겸하고 있다.


  • Ph.D., Production Management and Optimization (2005)
    • Division of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, POSTECH, Republic of Korea
    • Advisor: Prof. Yushin Hong
    • Title: Cooperative procurement-production-delivery policy in a single-manufacturer and multiple-retailer supply chain system
  • M.S., Human Factors Engineering (1993)
    • Division of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, POSTECH, Republic of Korea
  • B.E., Division of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (1991)
    • Division of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, POSTECH, Republic of Korea


  • Sep. 2016 ~ Now: Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Hanyang University
  • Oct. 2014 ~ Jun. 2015 : Technical Adviser , Business Innovation Team, SAMSUNG Electronics
  • Sep. 2006 ~ Aug. 2016: Full-time Lecturer/Assistant/Associate Professor , Graduate School of Logistics, Incheon National University
  • Oct. 2004 ~ Jul.2006: Deputy Manager, Supply Chain Management Group, Business Innovation Team, SAMSUNG Electronics
  • Mar. 1993 ~ Jun. 1996 : Full-time Instructor , Department of Industrial Engineering, Korea Air-Force Academy
  • Jan. 1991 ~ Jan. 2001 : Assistant Manager, Industrial Engineering Team / Process Innovation Team, POSCO